Four Dimensional X-Ray Microscopy

Submicron X-ray Microscopy for Research & Industry

Four Dimensional X-ray Microscopy (FDXM) is an advanced X-ray microscopy facility to look at three dimensional (3D) internal structure of samples and its evolution.This constitutes of Zeiss Xradia 520 Versa x-ray tomography system along with other attachments of high temperature and low temperature tensile stage (Deben CT5000-TEC). The facility gets its name as four dimensional microscopy because it has three spacial dimensions and one time dimension (produced by stresses and temperature imparted by the Deben stage). These can work for metallic, ceramic, biological and polymeric materials etc.

The facility is operated by IIT Bombay and is available to researchers at large on a payment basis.

To look at the possible applications and how this could be of use to your research you may want to look at applications page and the image gallery.

It has applications in a wide range of fields including:

  • Geology
  • Material science
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Aerospace engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Bio engineering and Technology

This can be used in various sectors including:

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Oil and gas exploration
  • Biological internal structure Analysis
  • Bio implants
  • Internal structure of manufactured Component analysis