Material Research- Characterize materials, observe fracture mechanics, investigate
properties at multiple length scales, quantify and characterize microstructural
evolution. Perform in situ and 4D (time dependent) studies
Natural Resources- Characterize and quantify pore structures, measure fluid flow,
study carbon sequestration processes, analyze tailings to maximize mining efforts,3D
Life Sciences- Perform virtual histology, visualize cellular and subcellular features,
and characterize submicron structures in samples with high resolution, high contrast
images of cellular and subcellular structures.
Electronics- Non-destructive submicron imaging of intact packages for defect re-
localization and characterization to optimize your processes development, study
package reliability, perform failure analysis, and analyze package construction.
Pharmaceuticals- visualize the distribution of ingredients in the final dosage,
characterize foreign material based on density, shape or size, detection of anomalies
in formulations and measure the thickness and uniformity of coatings applied to
tablets and capsules